Areca Dypsis Lutescens


Yellow Palm

An Areca brings any type of interior to life, from trendy to classic. Its greenish-yellow stems and feathered leaves bring vibrancy to your home, or office.

This Yellow Palm prefers a bright spot out of the midday sun, where it also does not get colder than 15°C at night. It does not like drafts.

Pamper the Yellow Palm with a splash of water twice a week. In winter, once a week is enough. Be sure to keep the soil in the root ball moist.

Light location out of the midday sun, where it also does not get colder than 15°C at night
She does not like drafts
A splash of water twice a week
Pot sizes: 12, 17, 21, 24

Plant height:

van 30 cm
tot 130 cm



Forever Plants Group
Forever Plants Group
VDE Plant
VDE Plant