Vergroenen basisschool Het Vianova

30 November 2023

Green in the Classroom contest

Spaceshuttles wins the 'green in the Classroom' contest

Feel better with green plants around you, even in the classroom. That is the approach of Air So Pure. The growers' association is committed to a green revolution and brings green to school. In cooperation with Flower Council of Holland , Air So Pure has organized a 'Green in the Classroom' competition in which elementary school classes could sign up for a green transformation.

The initiative highlights the positive impact of air-purifying plants in the learning environment. Air So Pure's air-purifying greenery plants remove "foul odors," effectively converting Co2 into oxygen and increasing humidity. This leads to better air quality in classrooms, which in turn results in better brain function. Studies show that a green environment with air-purifying plants stimulates the senses, boosts creativity and productivity, and increases concentration.

Elementary school classroom with Air So Pure plants
Green in the Classroom with air-purifying plants

Jungle transformation

After many fun and original entries, the Spaceshuttles (students from groups 6/7 of Het Vianova elementary school) finally won the Green in the Classroom competition. In personal letters, the students explained why they believed their classroom deserved the jungle makeover. According to them, the classroom could use some greenery to enhance coziness and promote concentration. The students were disappointed with the previous fake plants in their classroom and took a serious look at the attached photos. Their statement, "We looked glum because the classroom was bare and boring."

In early November, the elementary school in Alphen aan den Rijn was surprised by Flower Council of Holland and the brand manager of Air So Pure. After greening the classroom, the Spaceshuttles were treated to a guest lesson on plant care. In the process, the students received a care kit with all the necessary information to ensure that the plants remained in optimal condition. Ronald Van Schie emphasized that it is essential to let children experience the positive effects of plants from an early age.

The greening of this elementary school class has since received national media attention. During a broadcast of both Hortibiz Newsradio and Goedemorgen Nederland, this class was featured, along with the experiences and insights of Air So Pure and Flower Council of Holland.

Since 2007, Air So Pure has been known as the brand for proven strong, high-quality air-purifying plants. The association has 14 proud members and boasts an extensive collection of 17 product groups and over 170 items. With the brand promise of "A world of wellbeing" and a contemporary look, Air So Pure informs consumers about the positive effects of their plants, both physically for the indoor climate and mentally, with the motto being: feel more comfortable with plants around you.

Listen to the radio clip at HortiBiz (NL) below or watch the clip from Goedemorgen Nederland (8m57s) (NL) here They visited the jungle class in Alphen aan den Rijn.

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Bird of paradise plant

Peace Lily

Blue fern

Money Tree / Watercacao