The quality of the air in which we live is very important to our health, fitness and well-being. This includes not only the outdoor air, but certainly also the air in spaces where we spend much of our lives. Air-purifying plants improve air quality indoors, in spaces such as the living room, office or classroom, and contribute to our health and well-being.
Through the leaves and roots, Air So Pure's air-purifying plants absorb pollutants. Inside the air-purifying plant, these are converted into nutrients and stored for growth.
The Air So Pure plants are active plants. They absorb CO2 from the air to grow from. This process is called photosynthesis, and in the process they give oxygen and water vapour in return.
Water that Air So Pure's air-purifying houseplants absorb as they grow, they emit in the form of water vapor. Better humidity helps create a pleasant indoor climate.
Pleasant living with our popular air-purifying houseplants, which provide more oxygen, better humidity and are very decorative.
An attractive workplace with better air quality, where our plants contribute to a more positive state of mind and boost creativity.
Our special plants remove 'foul smells' and effectively convert Co2 into oxygen, they absorb noise and contribute to better learning.
Relax and become happier with our air-purifying plants around you. They enhance your everyday quality of life, help you relax and recover mentally.
The particularly strong air-purifying properties contribute to a healthy living, working and relaxing environment
Air So Pure plants make the air healthier and effectively convert CO2 into oxygen.
Air purifying Air So Pure plants are decorative and have a positive effect on people's creativity and productivity.
Green luck makers are easy to maintain, do well in room temperatures and require little care.
Annelies van Drimmelen
Linda Overbeek
Sjors Bokhoven
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