Air So Pure Hedera Helix - luchtzuiverende plant van de maand februari

22 January 2024

Air purifying Plant of the Month February

Infuse nature into your home with the Hedera

In the assortment of air-purifying houseplants, the Hedera Helix, better known as the Klimop, takes the starring role as Plant of the Month February. With its lush leaves and air-purifying properties, this plant is not only an attractive addition to your interior but also a powerful defender against polluted air. Explore the world of the playful Hedera Helix and discover why it is the perfect choice as the February Air Purifying Plant of the Month.

The Green Defender

The Hedera Helix is known for its climbing properties and ability to cover walls and fences with a lush green carpet. Prefer to put the ivy indoors? You can! The Hedera is also suitable as a houseplant. What many people don't know, however, is that this plant has a strong ability to purify pollutants from the air. In February, when it is cold outside and we spend more time indoors, the Hedera Helix can be a valuable addition to your indoor spaces.

Several studies have shown the Hedera's ability to filter harmful substances such as benzene, formaldehyde, and xylene from the air. These substances are often present in everyday items such as paint, furniture, and cleaning products, making the Hedera Helix a natural defender against polluted air.

In addition to removing pollutants from the air, the Hedera is also known for its ability to enrich the air with oxygen. The plant absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen, improving air quality. This is especially beneficial during the winter months when ventilation is more often limited and indoor air can be affected by heating systems. Place the February Plant of the Month in areas where you spend a lot of time, such as the living room, bedroom, or (home) office, to take advantage of these oxygen-enriching properties.

Air So Pure Hedera Helix

Origin and significance

Found in the forests of Europe, Hedera Helix has a rich history and significance in different cultures. The ivy is known as a symbol of fidelity (attaching its roots) and eternal life (it stays evergreen), making it a popular choice for decorative purposes during weddings and other celebrations. The name "Helix" also refers to the plant's spiral growth habit, giving it an added touch of symbolism.

The ivy can climb more than 10 meters high, but you will also find it sprawling across the ground. Its full shape makes it a good roost and shelter for birds.

Taking care of the Hedera Helix

Although the Hedera is known for its robust nature, it is still important to take good care of the houseplant to maintain its air-purifying abilities. Here are some tips for caring for your Hedera Helix:

  • Light and location: The Hedera Helix likes bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight, as this can damage the leaves. So place the plant in an area with plenty of natural light.
  • Watering: Water the plant regularly, but make sure that no water remains at the bottom of the pot. This is because the Hedera does not like wet feet. Let the top layer of soil dry out between waterings and only then water.
  • Temperature: The ivy likes moderate temperatures. Try to keep the plant away from extreme heat or cold drafts. So do not put it above the heating.
  • Pruning: Hedera does not necessarily need pruning. Do you think the plant is getting too tall? Then cut off the dead or yellow leaves and trim the long touches.
  • Support: If you use Hedera as a climbing plant, provide it with a climbing frame or other support to encourage its growth. This will also prevent the plant from attaching itself to your furniture, cabinet, or wall.

Air So Pure Hedera Helix bont close-up

Is the Hedera (ivy) poisonous?

Although the Hedera offers many benefits, it is important to note that the plant can be (mildly) toxic if taken in large quantities. While you can touch the plant without any problems and your pet can sniff it just fine, eating the leaves can cause stomach upset, vomiting, and diarrhea. To still enjoy the benefits of the ivy, it is advisable to place the plant out of the reach of children and pets.

Durable choice

In addition to its air-purifying properties and playful look, the Hedera Helix is also a sustainable choice. It is a relatively low-maintenance plant that has few environmental requirements. This makes it an ideal choice for both experienced and novice plant enthusiasts. By choosing ivy, you are not only investing in the health of your living space but also contributing to a more sustainable lifestyle.

The Hedera Helix is grown by our member Quakelplant. They grow the ivy in 10 different varieties and 3 different pot sizes.

Air Purifying Plant of the Month February

The ivy can be presented in a variety of ways: hanging in a basket, climbing against a rack, or even as a green wall covering. The versatility of this plant allows you to be creative with the design of your space while benefiting from the health benefits it offers.

Hedera Helix, the air-purifying plant of the month for February, deserves its place in our indoor spaces. With its ability to filter pollutants, enrich the air with oxygen, and its playful appeal, it is a valuable addition to any space. With the Hedera Helix, you not only bring nature indoors but also a healthier and fresher atmosphere that lasts all year round. So, let this green hero refresh and enhance your indoor space this winter month!

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