Air So Pure workshop

6 December 2023

Green inspiration at the Winter Fair

Groen genieten en groen doen op de Winterfair

From November 24 to 30, the Brabanthallen in Den Bosch were the setting for the annual Winterfair, georganiseerd door de bekende magazines Margriet en Libelle. Een consumentenbeurs die vooral vrouwen tussen de 25 en 75 jaar aanspreekt. De beurs stond voorheen bekend als de Margriet Winterfair, maar in 2023 sloten Margriet en Libelle de handen ineen, waardoor het Dé Winterfair is geworden. Het evenement bood dit jaar niet alleen een overvloed aan inspiratie en gezelligheid, maar ook een groene oase dankzij de aanwezigheid van Air So Pure en Anthurium NL op het Groene Inspiratieplein van niemand minder dan groenexpert Romeo Sommers.

Air So Pure at the Winterfair

Groenexpert Romeo Sommers leidt de weg op de Winterfair

Green expert Romeo Sommers, who led the impressive Green Square for seven days, was heavily involved in the booth. His green square, dotted with more than 200 m2 of lush potted plant inspiration, photo opportunities and green knowledge, was the heart of the Winterfair. Visitors were invited to participate in engaging plant workshops featuring Air So Pure's air-purifying plants and the flowering plants of Anthurium NL.

On this Green Square Air So Pure and Anthurium NL were prominently represented. Besides the workshops, visitors could also take creative pictures at the Air So Pure 'selfie' corners. The reactions were downright enthusiastic, and it was clear that the combination of green inspiration and creative activities was appreciated by the diverse public.

A gesture of green happiness

Besides sharing green knowledge and creativity, Romeo Sommers, Air So Pure and Anthurium NL showed their social commitment. At the end of the Winterfair no less than 400 plants were donated to Stichting Bij Katrien, an organization based in Den Bosch dedicated to fighting loneliness. This meeting place offers free activities with the aim of promoting social connection.

On the last day of the Winter Fair, the symbolic handover took place to Liesbeth van Drunen, president of the Bij Katrien Foundation, and board member José van Dijk. The donated plants provided a bright spot during the holidays for people who feel alone.

Air So Pure

Since 2007, Air So Pure has been known as the brand for proven strong air-purifying plants of high quality. The association has 14 proud members and boasts an extensive collection of 17 product groups and over 170 items. With the brand promise of "A world of wellbeing" and a contemporary look, Air So Pure informs consumers about the positive effects of their plants, both physically for the indoor climate and mentally, with the motto being: feel more comfortable with plants around you.

The symbolic handover to the Bij Katrien Foundation

View our product range

Bird of paradise plant

Peace Lily


Blue fern