De beste luchtzuiverende kamerplanten
Houseplants are cozy and healthy. But did you know that some plants are extra healthy? Air So Pure's top 10 air-purifying houseplants contribute to a healthy and pleasant living environment. They improve air quality reduce feelings of stress, and promote creativity. Independent, scientific studies have proven this. You can recognize these air-purifying plants by the Air So Pure label.
Maak kennis met de luchtzuiverende groenmakers die niet alleen je interieur opfleuren, maar ook de luchtkwaliteit verbeteren. Dus wat is nu de beste kamerplant voor zuurstof? Air So Pure heeft de ultieme lijst samengesteld van de top 10 luchtzuiverende kamerplanten die jouw leefruimte transformeren tot een gezonde, groene oase.
Top 10 air-purifying houseplants
De eerste 5 luchtzuiverende planten op het lijstje zijn de Spathiphyllum, Calathea, Palmen, Monstera en Dracaena.
- Peace Lily: De lepelplant : The spoon plant (Spathiphyllum) is one of the best-known air purifiers. The dainty flowers (actually bracts) are always white but vary in size and number by species. Water the Peace Lily regularly and don't put it in direct sunlight.
- Peacock plant: The Calathea has beautiful variegated leaf markings, which is why it is also called a peacock plant. Extra fun is the rustling sound the leaves make as they close at night and unfurl in the morning! With the Calathea , you bring living greenery into your home.
- Palms: Both the Kentia (Howea Forsteriana), Yellow Palm (Areca) and the Fan palm (Livistonia) are popular in the home and office. Because of their full shape, they give any interior a green vibe. They are very strong plants that are good for productivity in addition to their air-purifying qualities.
- Gap plant: The young leaves of the Monstera start heart-shaped and after some time the characteristic deep incisions (holes) appear. This popular air-purifying plant has great adaptability. Do not put it in direct sunlight to avoid burning.
- Dragon Blood Tree: Very attractive the Dracaena's popular name does not sound. However, this air-purifying houseplant more than makes up for that with its tough looks and positive influence on the indoor climate. There are many varieties, each with its own leaf shape and color. The Dracaena can take a beating, so don't panic if you forget it for a while.

De andere 5 beste luchtzuiverende planten op het lijstje zijn varens, de Strelitzia, Ficus, Hedera Helix en de Chlorophytum.
- Ferns: Ferns are among the very oldest plants on earth. They have a lush shape and give the interior a natural look. Studies prove that species such as curly fern (Nephrolepis, nesting fern (Asplenium), blue fern (Phlebodium, autumn fern (Dryopteris), mantle fern (Didymochlaena), and dwarf tree fern (Blechnum) are strong air purifiers and improve the relative humidity in the home.
- Strelitzia: The Strelitzia is a trendy houseplant with large, oblong leaves. This eye-catcher likes a bright location with plenty of indirect light. The Strelitzia can give flowers in the wild, but you won't encounter this in the living room, unfortunately.
- Tobacco plant: Do not be fooled by its popular name because the tobacco plant (Ficus lyrata) is an air-purifying plant that contributes to a healthier living environment. Through its large leaves, air pollutants are absorbed and then broken down again. The Ficus can grow into a beautiful indoor tree with beautiful, dark trunks.
- Ivy: The ivy (Hedera helix) steals the show in more ways than one. Hang a few in your home or place them on a shelf, and the green "garlands" will come into their own. Through its many leaves, the Hedera absorbs air pollutants and releases oxygen.
- Grass Lily: The Chlorophytum is also called grass lily because of its ribbon-shaped leaves and dainty white flowers on its shoots. What you don't see but do notice is the Chlorophytum 's effect on your health. Dirty dust in the air is naturally converted into oxygen.

Welke planten zijn luchtzuiverend?
Deze luchtzuiverende planten verbeteren de luchtkwaliteit en geven zuurstof in huis, wat bijdraagt aan een gezondere leefomgeving. Wil je weten welke plant de meeste zuurstof geeft? Volgens verschillende onderzoeken behoren onder andere de lepelplant, pauwenplant, varens en palmen tot de planten die de meeste zuurstof geven en de lucht het meeste zuiveren. Voor een optimaal effect kun je kiezen voor een combinatie van deze grote luchtzuiverende planten.
Met deze kennis kun je nu de beste luchtzuiverende planten kiezen die passen bij jouw interieur en zorgen voor een frisse, gezonde atmosfeer in huis. Of je nu zoekt naar planten die ’s nachts zuurstof afgeven, planten die extra zuurstof geven, of simpelweg naar welke plant de lucht het meeste zuivert, deze lijst heeft alles wat je nodig hebt.
Turn your home into a green and healthy environment with these 10 best air-purifying houseplants. These air-purifying greens not only add a stylish touch to your interior but also improve air quality. Bye stress, hello hefty dose of fresh air! With Air So Pure's air-purifying plants, your home becomes a healthier and cozier place to live.
Waar zijn luchtzuiverende planten te koop?
De luchtzuiverende planten van Air So Pure herken je aan het Air So Pure label in de plant. Deze luchtzuiverende planten zijn te koop bij tuincentra in onder andere Nederland, België, Duitsland, Frankrijk, Oostenrijk, Luxemburg, Zwitserland, Spanje en Italië. Nieuwgierig naar de exacte verkooppunten? Bekijk onze store locator en vind een tuincentrum in jouw regio!