Air So Pure winactie story

23 April 2024

Win at Story: 4 air-purifying Air So Pure plants

Air-purifying houseplants while working and studying

Final exams are coming up again and that means many hours in front of the computer, in books and papers. Many people also work at home behind their laptops or computers these days.

Research has shown that the presence of air-purifying plants improves concentration and increases productivity. Place a few houseplants from Air So Pure on the desk, for example. After all, these are plants with a proven air-purifying effect. The effect is greatest when you have a direct view of the plants.

So Air So Pure's air-purifying houseplants ensure a more effective work and study space. But are there other benefits? The properties of these plants create a healthier indoor environment. And that, in turn, ensures good health and reduced flu-like symptoms such as colds, coughs, dry eyes and headaches. At the garden center, our air-purifying plants can be identified by the Air So Pure label. See below where you can buy Air So Pure plants and create your own World of Wellbeing!

Air So Pure air-purifying plants: Areca, Asplenium, Chlorophytum, Spathiphyllum

Giveaway: which air-purifying plants can you win?

In collaboration with Story, we are giving away 3 sets of air-purifying houseplants for this giveaway. The mix consists of a Chlorophytum (Grass Lily), Areca (Golden Palm), Spathiphyllum (Peace Lily) and Asplenium (Nesting Fern). These plants have the ideal size and air-purifying properties to put on your desk, for example. This way, while steering or working, you always have a view of the plants, which promotes concentration and creativity.

How to participate

Would you like to win these air purifying plants from Air So Pure? Then do the following for a chance to win!

  • Send a card to Story, Postbus 1780, 2130 JD Hoofddorp stating Air So Pure-kamerplanten or fill out this form on the website of Story.
  • Follow Air So Pure on Instagram or Facebook.

Easy right? Now it's all a matter of waiting! The winners of this competition and the package of air purifying plants will receive a personal message from Story with further information.

View our product range

Bird of paradise plant

Peace Lily


Blue fern